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December 22, 2023

Customizable Service Notifications

Stephen Barlow
Here at the end of the year, we've got one more platform improvement to give 2023 a proper sendoff: new controls for your Render service notifications! These are for notifications about deploys and other service events that we send you via email and/or Slack, like these:
Slack notifications of Render service events
Slack notifications of Render service events
These new controls will help you stay informed about the most critical platform events for your team, without needing to sift through less important updates. In the Render Dashboard, you can now set account-wide defaults for service notifications from your Account Settings or Team Settings page:
Account-wide notification settings
Account-wide notification settings
Want to limit notifications to service failures? Turn off notifications for service previews? Receive everything over both email and Slack? Configure to your liking in just a few clicks. Better yet, you can override your default notification settings for an individual service. If you don't want your prototype web app cluttering the activity feed for your production systems, you can disable notifications for just that app from its Settings page:
Single-service notification settings
Single-service notification settings
Quick and easy—use these controls to define which notifications you need from the services you care about, so you can cut through the noise. For all the details, check out the documentation. See you in 2024! We're excited to see everything you ship in the new year 🎉