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June 27, 2024

Audit logs for Organization and Enterprise plans

Teams with an Organization or Enterprise plan can now export audit logs of material events that occurred in the account over a given time frame. This includes events related to:

  • Team member management
  • Project and environment management
  • Service creation/deletion

Team admins can export audit log data in the Render Dashboard, from the Audit Logs section of the Team Settings page:

Exporting audit log data in the Render Dashboard
Exporting audit log data in the Render Dashboard

For a list of all audit log event types, see the documentation.

Note the following about data availability:

  • For existing Organization and Enterprise accounts, audit log data is available starting from June 24, 2024.
  • For a new Organization or Enterprise account, audit log data is available starting from the date of account creation.
  • If you upgrade an account to Organization or Enterprise, audit log data is available starting from the date of the upgrade.

Learn more in the documentation.