Enterprise Organizations

Manage users and services across multiple workspaces.

With a Render Enterprise plan, you can manage all of your team’s users, workspaces, and services in a single organization (or org):

Diagram of a Render Enterprise org

Each member of an organization can belong to any combination of workspaces, based on which services they need to access.

You can integrate your org with your identity provider (IdP) to enable SAML single sign-on (SSO), along with member management via SCIM.

Creating an org

As part of setting up your Enterprise account, the Render team works with you directly to create your organization. If you have any existing Render workspaces, we’ll help you transfer them into your org for centralized management.

Each member of each transferred workspace becomes a member of your org.

Request an Enterprise Plan

Adding workspaces

Creating a new workspace

Only org members with the Enterprise Owner role can create new workspaces in the org.

  1. From your organization’s Workspaces page in the Render Dashboard, click + New Workspace.

  2. Provide a name for the workspace.

  3. Set the workspace’s privacy setting to Public or Invite-only.

    • Public: Any org member can add themselves to the workspace.
    • Invite-only: Only admins of the workspace can invite other org members.
  4. Click Create Workspace.

You’re all set! Render creates the workspace and adds you as its first admin. You can immediately start creating services and inviting members.

Transferring an existing workspace

As part of creating your org, the Render team helps you transfer any of your existing workspaces into it.

If you later need to transfer a different workspace into your org, please reach out to our support team in the Render Dashboard.

Access management

The Enterprise Owner role

During org creation, the Render team assigns at least one member of your org the Enterprise Owner role. Members with this role can do the following:

  • Manage all org-level settings, such as integrating your IdP for SSO and SCIM
  • Create new workspaces in the org
  • Add or remove the Enterprise Owner role from other org members
  • Add themselves to any workspace as an admin
    • Enterprise Owners are not automatically added to any workspaces in the org.

Other org members do not have an organization-level role or associated permissions. Workspace-level permissions depend on a member’s role within each workspace.

Adding org members

  • By default, any user added to at least one workspace in your org becomes a member of the org.
  • If your org requires login via SAML single sign-on, only users authenticated via your SSO configuration can become org members.
  • If your org also enables SCIM user provisioning, you manage members entirely via your IdP.

Per-workspace access

Each workspace in an org has one of two privacy settings: public or invite-only. Newly added workspaces are invite-only by default. Workspace admins can change a workspace’s privacy setting from the workspace’s Settings page in the Render Dashboard.

  • Every org member can add themselves to any public workspace.
  • Invite-only workspaces require an invitation from a workspace admin.

Adding an org member to a workspace grants them the Developer role for that workspace. For more details on workspace-level permissions, see Member roles.